Meet Linda J. Mann
Linda J. Mann is a 2024 Fulbright EU Schuman Awardee where she is advancing research at the intersection of EU and US policy related to colonialism, enslavement and transitional justice. She currently is the Executive Director at the John Mitchell Jr. Project and Operation Understanding DC at George Mason’s Carter School for Peace and Reconciliation. In 2019, she co-founded the African American Redress Network (AARN) at Columbia University alongside Howard University. Mann additionally teaches master courses at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA) as an Assistant Adjunct Professor. Previously she served as the Executive Director for the Civil Rights and Restorative Justice Project at Northeastern University’s School of Law and served as VP of Research for the Georgetown Memory Project. Mann has written widely about local and state reparative justice, descendant engagement and maximizing justice potentials.
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